8urcivics all-motor build


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
ok...fixed the over heating problem....had some hoses routed wrong.

but it still smokes...im gonna drive it a bit and see if it clears up...hopefully it clears it out.


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
yay.....i have oil all over the #2 piston and spark plug.

ima drive it a little to see if it will seat.

if it wont seat...new rings will have to be put in.


yay.....i have oil all over the #2 piston and spark plug.

ima drive it a little to see if it will seat.

if it wont seat...new rings will have to be put in.
just be easy on it.... thats what ive been doing and its been slooooooowly clearing up....


Being easy on it won't help them seat. Find a big hill and tear ass up it. That will get them seated good. I had trouble with my rings seating on my build too at first. I went out and ran the shit out of it and they are fine now.

Edit: That's actually funny because I had a problem with my #2 rings seating also.
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Yes, why? And if your going to tell me i'm wrong, please back it up with some facts because I'm tired of having pointless arguments with people over topics they know nothing about and giving me reasons like "so" and "joe blow told me so"

Not being a dick, just get annoyed sometimes. If you would like me to explain myself I will to a point.


I <3 2.4l's
I didnt even have a tenth of a mile on my car, I just backed it out the drivway and gagged it. B/c of Aussie