Shaved door handles


New Member
I think hes talking about the entire handle. .I've seen it once on a GSR. .Idk i didn't like it it looked kinda weird.
weird but different tryin to make it look different with out going over board (well that and my drivers side key hole doesnt work lol)


weird but different tryin to make it look different with out going over board (well that and my drivers side key hole doesnt work lol)
it doesn't look good, imo. kinda "off." then again, i have yet to see it on a clean car.

only pic i found googling:


my buddy gave me his rear handles from his DB. i just used those. i had two different sets of keys to get in the car, one to start the engine. lol that was ghetto, but it was due to theft. they look nice, though. i can get pics if you want.


Well-Known Member

As you see, the people who typically shave their handles... also destroy their car. I hope you arent one of them. It would be tough to find an integra with ONLY shaved handles.

Does any one know if the last pic is an s14? The headlights are too angled to be an ITR front, unless its the hood overlapping the lights.


Just call me chris.
i think its an s14 front with an integra rear cuz it had integra body lines. man what i would do for a nice sylvia.