**Anything Goes** Version 6.0

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Unregistered User
ahhhh i see. grammar school > kuchta.
not spelling out words doesn't mean I have bad grammar. It just means I'm too l33t for you.. mister JDM_conv-three-rsion....

On a serious note, I just found out some bad news tonight when I got home from work.....

Some good friends of the family just found out today that their daughter got diagnosed with leukemia...
so for the next 6 months they get to take her to madison (an hour drive) once, maybe twice a week for chemotherapy.. Lots of stress on family and friends.

The girl is only 7 years old...

I don't know if any of you pray at all, but if you could please put her in your prayers. Her name is "Melissa"


Unregistered User
sorry to hear man
me too man... I can't believe it. I've known this girl since she was born! (my mom does daycare, so I saw her every day for almost 6 years) She's almost like a little sister.

Great family, great kid!

I guess is is a curable form, but not at a 100% rate. we'll see what happens. as for now, all we can do is wait I guess.


*JDM Approved*
On a lighter note. I downloaded some games for the Wiii =)
and finally got some x360 games back from a buddy of mine.

Also, got the teggie started 2day, fucking ground and battery. both shitty, need new battery and to re-install my grounding kit.


Super Moderator
I got bored today and molested my GST with lots of modifications. Someone find me a bonestock type r with a clean title in black or white in the Texas region and I'll buy it. I need a daily


I'm sad. I feel like I have so much to get done right now and I'm not sure which should be a priority. Maybe I'm more stressed than sad. I'm not sure.

I've taken almost three weeks off of work to work on my car and get the new shop up and running. It's only the fourth day we've been open, but shit. What if the business fails financially? What if we lose everything we've invested thus far?? Of course it's a gamble when you start a new business, but it's DAMN scary. We had five cars come by the first day and six the second. The past two days we've gotten two each. The first of the month = shop and personal bills.

I have an aesthetician license that I'm not putting to use. I DO want to go back for radiology, but I don't know if I have the time right now. I don't want to have to pull out loans for it, either. Everything for the next year (hopefully it won't be that long) will go back into the shop to pay for things.

Blah, blah, blah!

The shop, getting the teg done, work, and relationships with people I care about have taken a back seat. If I sell the teg and get another car, it might lessen the load of worries. I've put TOO much time into it, though. I need to finish some body work and shoot primer on. So much sanding and other time-consuming shit in between.




girl you just need to keep your head up and have faith! everything will work out for the best. it might not seem like it now but trust me it will. your doing a great job just keep it up!


On a serious note, I just found out some bad news tonight when I got home from work.....

Some good friends of the family just found out today that their daughter got diagnosed with leukemia...
so for the next 6 months they get to take her to madison (an hour drive) once, maybe twice a week for chemotherapy.. Lots of stress on family and friends.

The girl is only 7 years old...

I don't know if any of you pray at all, but if you could please put her in your prayers. Her name is "Melissa"
I won't say that I've been there, but I think I can say that I understand how you're feeling a little.

My little cousin was diagnosed with leukemia when she was about four years old. I think when you're in that kind of situation, you go through almost every emotion possible.

Long story short, we prayed. Everybody in our family did. Catholic, Christian, Buddhist...we all had her in mind. We set all our differences aside. I know a lot of people will laugh at the thought, but, to us, it's all we had.

She did have to go through the painful process of chemotherapy, but believe me, it can get better. The leukemia is in recession now, and I'm thankful for that. She's almost NINE and healthy as a horse!

Believe in the power of prayer. lol I KNOWWWWW that sounds like a long shot and that it came straight out of an informercial, but I'm not sure what else to say. You can ask almost anyone I know -- I'm not one that's THAT religious. I go by what I believe. Shit, I probably sin more than I do right...

The point is that we all did pray. To whom, I'm not sure, but we did. Check out Baby Kaleb. I think they said he wouldn't make it to see his first birthday (he was a victim of shaken baby syndrome). He has rised and surpassed the occasion.

Blah, blah, balh, I can go on for days about this stuff!! I wouldn't argue if I didn't believe in it.

My point is that even if you're not religious, prayers can be that last ounce of hope that the family needs. It'll hurt no one here to give Melissa a thought and pray for her health and safety. It wouldn't take more than a minute.


trust me it will. i didnt know if id be able to be away from my wife for 11 monthes but i have and now its only 9 days untill i see her!!! then its only one more year till shes back for good. it just takes a little faith!!
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