**Anything Goes** Version 6.0

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Unregistered User
Can anyone help me out and help me find the lengeth difference between 2Dr LS Greddy SP2 and 4DR GSR Greddy SP2? I need the differences so I can cut weld it to fit
throw it up there, measure, weld. lol

I don't know if they have the specs out like that...


New Member
back from JDM Theory Show. pics will be at jdmtheory.com and jsjbrothers.com by tomorrow i hope.
over 400+ cars came and show off the ride.
I got 4th place award to Best DC5 :D


Super Duper Moderator
Hey guys and Trihn. Check out the What President is best for you thread. There's a link to a quiz you can take that'll tell you which Presidential candidate lines up with your views and opinions best. It's pretty fun and interesting. Take your time and answer each Q carefully to get an accurate result.

Are you still mad at me Trihnny Trihn Trihn?


Unregistered User
^^ Trinh holds grudges for too long.

She never lets anything go.

I think she's still mad at me for posting that picture of the text she sent me saying she wanted me. lol


Super Duper Moderator
You all have to watch The Kingdom (Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner). Kick ass movie, better than Transformers anyway, lol.


save a whore..buy a porno
FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lesson to all never ever get house arrest that is all
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