Urgent!!! Help!! Teg Is Possesed


Ok well heres the run down, I own a 94 gsr, today when i hopped out of tha teg, i left it unlocked. then i jumped in tha truck and as i closed the door i heard tha teg chirp. now this is strange b/c the keychain remote dosent work, AT ALL, hasn't since i bought it at least. anyway i dismissed this b/c its never happened and kept going. when i got back earlier today, i saw the indicator on the top of the steering collum blinking, and the doors were LOCKED!!!

so i wuz like, "Well maybe i did lock it'...'". So i put the key in to unlock it,...got in...put the key in to start it, then BANG!!!! car goes off like a christmas tree! horn ,lights, everthing. I wuz like wtf?? and now as long as i'm sitting in it it goes off, it wont let me start b/c it keeps cutting the battery on and off (smart lil bastard). and if i get out and lock it again it stops. but when i go to unlock it....wtf it goes off too!.

any ideas!! i need help, we just got a grand am, so we dont have to carpool in the morning, i cant go back! help meeeee!


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
your car has an alarm, some alarms locks itself after a grace period when you shut the door. once the alarm is armed you can't start it w/o triggering all the sirens and lights. i think you have several options, repair the remote or buy another one, or remove the brain of the alarm.


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
cut all the wires u can find.


ok @ cheesnip were can i find this?
@DD-DB8 tnanks i plan on getting a new one tomorrow or get new batteries put in


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
most of the time the brain is under the dash of the steering column, which really isn't doing its job since its supposed to be hidden from thieves.


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
ok @ cheesnip were can i find this?
@DD-DB8 tnanks i plan on getting a new one tomorrow or get new batteries put in
i would have thought to put batteries in it when u bought it.


I <3 2.4l's
yea look under the steering colum 9 times out of 10 its there. just look for the cluster fuck of wires


should alarms disarm with the key in the door also? my old diamante did. i dont know if the teg does cause the oem alarm is fucked to hell from when it was broken into. gotta get a clifford.


the lone outdoorsman
i test drove a 95 back in the day and luckily the owner was smart enough to bring more keys cause my dumbass shut the door with the keys in the car and it auto locked