why rally racing is best


let me remind you that the driver does NOT get to tour the stage first, only the navigator does, taking his notes along the way. driver doesnt really know whats comming.
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New Member
i dont kno if anyone was a debate nerd, but ever heard of spreading, anyways, i would lose my voice if i was a navigator i would just stick to driving


new driver
does he say "keep right or a crash" "keep left or a crash" every 3 -6 words? cuz thats what it sounds like...


The Transporter
Rally is the most demanding and intense motorsport IMO.

Rally > F1 > GT > LM > moped races > Nascar :lol:


Raceline USA
This was on BMI! I have this at home. Lol!


nope, numbers are distance in meters. the numbers 1-5 mean following a left or right means how tight the turn is, further modified by phrases such as tightens(decreasing radius) or opens, or dont cut. the higher numbers like 70, 300 is distance in meters.
so a navigator would say something like "left 5, dont cut. 70, stay left of crest, 300. right 5..."
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K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
oh okay. That's wierd before I watched this vid I ordered a DVD with the Recap and Documentary of the 2006 season.. sweet


well ya know i could be way off..lol i was depending on someone wiser than i to read this before you would LOL

idk..you could research it im sure its all over the web


The Transporter
Its also personalized. Some drivers will add hints into the notes for certain turns.

And for the turn numbers lower the number tighter the turn.