Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Super Moderator
Seems like everyone has something better to do then sit on the net at work but me.........what


Super Moderator
It gets boring. Maybe this is why I buy so much stuff that I don't need. I get bored and start looking at car parts and stuff like that


Super Moderator
I'll pass. Me and my friend went ahead and ordered 82mm 12.5:1 CP Pistons, ACL bearings, all ARP bolts, and AEBS sleeves the other day.

The next thing I buy will be injectors for a DSM. I would rather find someone to buy the ones I have right now first though


Super Moderator
It's not "that" random. Me and my friend are going half on a B18c1 build for a to have a toy to play with. I've been buying parts for my GSX for like 8 injectors are maxed out

Plus I really don't have that much to pay for. 2 of my cars and my bike are paid off and I got the 4wheeler for free. All I pay for is my 03 G35, my house, gas, boooze and car parts lol

My job pays for me to keep going to school
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