CI myspace.

Ominous G2

Will do it this weekend, so settle down. I havent had time to do anything with it, there will be updates soon.

Would like a background, this one is generic.


Super Moderator
Look at my bg...I was making it for my g/f and thought, why not make it our CI bg but have a pic of the members car from CI?


I was thinking in the pics section we could put the ride of the month winners. So we don't have an overload of pics on there.


and then the non teg drivers are where?
Yea true well I guess if we put just one pic up of everymember and their car that would work. We need to get some good videos to, but not ones from other people, maybe from the next meet someone could make one. Oh I know, for rotm winners they could have their cars on the front page, you know how you can make it scroll through the pictures.


I <3 2.4l's
Yea true well I guess if we put just one pic up of everymember and their car that would work. We need to get some good videos to, but not ones from other people, maybe from the next meet someone could make one. Oh I know, for rotm winners they could have their cars on the front page, you know how you can make it scroll through the pictures.
make the winner the default pic for the month.