Vistas finest 97' Integra LS -

Lol well I get paid on Friday... I ordered 3 day select shipping on the coilovers. I can make my next run of purchases then, any suggestions on intake exhaust header? I've been seeing a lot of people shooting for whale penis intake , any suggestion for order of mods after intake? Intake manifold? Header exhaust? Gonna try to get rear strut bar and lca,s hopefully a 22mm/function 7 is what I'm seeing as good choice.

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Active Member
Lol well I get paid on Friday... I ordered 3 day select shipping on the coilovers. I can make my next run of purchases then, any suggestions on intake exhaust header? I've been seeing a lot of people shooting for whale penis intake , any suggestion for order of mods after intake? Intake manifold? Header exhaust? Gonna try to get rear strut bar and lca,s hopefully a 22mm/function 7 is what I'm seeing as good choice.

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I personally went with a DC sports SRI, and header as they are CARB legal. Paired up with a GReddy Evo2 exhaust.

I also got the DC sport Front and Rear struts bars and did so because they aren't hinged etc.


Active Member
For the intake, do a ct engineering icebox. Pulls cold air from behind the blinker and keeps the filter up high


No fucks given.
I did? :lol: I don't remember that. You should buy it though ;)
Nevermind, it was Hrubssmen that was trying to sell me his. Then that cocksucker CJ said he would've given me his.... AFTER I had already gotten mine.

But still