What's the best color teggy?


Honda Enthusiast
About to paint my teg (I know, paint the door jams and bay or it looks ugly) but it's red now with a black hood and trunk. Yup its ricey.... Anyways, what is your favorite color on a teg.


Searching for that 1 swap
WHITE hands down! If you paint your car you should do white with red recaros inside.


The other asshole
Championship white, Nighthawk black pearl & supersonic blue pearl.

People should step out of the oem only colors though, There's potential to be had there.

Russell D

New Member
A friend of mine had an ek civic he painted a bmw gray, it looked really good! Gray is also an easy color to keep clean


basically, i like fast!
Whatever color you like the best.. The fuck kinda question is this?? :lol:

In order for you to like a color to have to have random people's approval?


Active Member
Nobody wants your bright and cheery diarrhea green. :lol:
You drive a fagstang, your opinion doesn't count :p

Edit: but Accel does have a point. Get what you want dude. Who cares what we think...... But go OEM and stay true to the integra is my opinion
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The other asshole
Woah hey, Watch where you're pointing your finger buddy.

I own a fagstang, It hasn't been out of my driveway since it was bought in september, Get your s*** straight...
