Lets see who can do maths!


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Boredest Member
Look at the test before scrolling down. Enter your poll option above. Then continue to comments!

Look at the test before scrolling down. Enter your poll option above. Then continue to comments!

No peeking. :mrgreen:
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Answer is 41 because racecar?
I dont get the joke unless it is a serious question on if he wants to know if we remember this lol plus the comments below has the answer 41 lol...

lol no..lol its called some property name for it...cant remember..but you basically multiply first divide add and subtract...idk its been a while since i did this..lol

idk maybe im wrong...lol :lol:

Brackets first
Orders (ie Powers and Square Roots, etc.)
Division and Multiplication (left-to-right)
Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)
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Boredest Member
The trick is its not a trick. Or is it? I guess we'll find out.

The comments shouldnt matter if people followed the original post and submit their answer before scrolling down.



Active Member
I have this bad feeling it's a trick question
Its a brain-teaser of expert troll level. You're not sure what you should do because there's no positive answer in choosing an actual number. It asks you post an answer in the poll above. But then it asks you to simply comment or like for your answer. Simply put, it trumps the law before it of posting your answer in the poll. You can only comment, which means the answer is 41 since there is no way to "like" it to support an answer of 1.