Damn, playing games and windows on other screen and I maybe hit up to 25ping
Found a way to fight two people none stop without having to face the last guy. Easy repartition to build up your guy and money
Im using the wifi from the business next door. We dont have wifi service here. I dont think the ping should be that high thought.. somethings retarded.
Someone with time warner gimme your access so i can use the twcwifi. lol
lol i think i found a loophole. Finished in 10 secs after i connected to the twcwifi. When you try to access the net it tells you to login but the app doesnt access the net like webpages.
Im used to it, ive developed a skill to replacing these lol first time, it took me like 5 hours to change a hose. Now it takes me under an hour for a crowded spot. Idk if thats a hood thing that ive ripped enough hose in my car to develop a skill lmao
As some of you know my 450's clutch blew up and with the 450's needing $1500 in engine parts every 150-250 hours and me losing my job I went another route, So... I bought an XR650R!