Samurai Blue's Integra Build


Yolo Whippin'
Goes to show that a CAI definitely makes more power than a SRI. Once you fix all your fuel problems, you'll be breaking the 170whp barrier no problem.
yeah definantly! i was looking at the Super Street FF Battle issue and i seem to be within range of the other B series "stock builds" since i have a poor man type r build. im going to do a more through job of checking my cams later this week, i half assed it kind of to be honest. i totally did not find a way to do it without doing the timing then i remembered this morning the cam seal has to be somehow and you dont need to do timing for that -_______- but according to the measurements i took with a pick they were type r 97 spec.


huh? just pm me what you bought and the sizes of the piping. If you bought what i originally told you to buy you may have f***ed up somewhere
Post your idea on my build thread so I have record. I'm making purchases this week, then another $2k in a couple weeks. I was really hoping to throw $4k at the car this month