How to post videos


Well-Known Member
How to Embed Videos on Club Integra.

1. Find the video you want to post. The most common videos people link are to that of

2. There will be a link you can copy and past. It is not the URL, it is the EMBED code.

Go back to and create a new post/new thread. Find the "YouTube" Button and click on it.

It will ask you for a title for the video. Put anything you want here, it will put the entry as a header to the video.

Click between the brackets, similar to posting images. [stuff] Click Here [/stuff]

Paste your Embed code from YouTube, and click the post button at the bottom of the screen.

You have now successfully embedded a video. I hope this helps many new members who want to post videos, as well as some members who helped drive me to put this together. ;)


User that is Registered
I've been on here forever and still couldn't figure it out. haha, Nice work man! Thanks!
