DFWIntegras Meet 5/14/10


New Member

When: Friday May 14th @ 9pm - Midnight

Where: 122 East John Carpenter Freeway, Irving, TX‎ (Hwy 114 And N O' Connor Blvd)

Directions: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Lsg&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:eek:fficial&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=aloft+las+colinas&fb=1&gl=us&hq=aloft+las+colinas&hnear=Dallas,+TX&cid=0,0,4312025401547719880&ei=Z1TgS7OCGoS-8wTqhq3ACQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=4&ved=0CCoQnwIwAw

Everybody is welcomed and i encourage to bring your crew even its ITS NOT integras/rsx ....bring anybody that isn't a ricer douche bag.

The meet will have a full bar with snacks and drinks and of course your liquor and beer. I HIGHLY ask everybody to buy a soda or a snack to support them in return for them letting us meet at their business.
