285whp GSR finally gets some TLC


hold on while i wipe the drool from the keyboard this thing is niceeeeeee


New Member
you got anymore full car shots cause that thing is uber sexy. i wanna do that to my teg.....if only money grew on trees....id plant a shitload


New Member
I think it will look best without the side modings and change to the japan racing wheels.... but that is clean, i like that...
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Alexs GSR

bumblebee & killer bee
wow it looks amazing man...what setup do you have to reach that 285 whp mark
started off as a greddy kit, and just grew, grew, and grew. spent 8 months out in cali getting built, top to bottom. Around town she runs on 8psi, and so far the highest we've taken it to keep reliability, was 13psi with pump gas.

skyofjapan said:
I think it will look best without the side modings and change to the japan racing wheels.... but that is clean, i like that...
I thought about the moldings too, but I dunno what's gonna happen with those. Then for the wheels, they might be going back to all silver cause a lot of people started copying and spraying theirs gunmetal too :???:

Crappy night-time pics of the engine bay...

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